Our mission is to provide employers the resources to enable their employees to make informed financial decisions, to completely understand the retirement plan available and make informed selections. We also provide training to employees to build the individual wealth necessary to afford typical lifetime expenses such as buying a home, paying for college and withstanding unexpected financial emergencies.
We provide packaged seminars to companies and organizations for the benefit of their employees and members. Our primary focus is on retirement and we specialize in 401 (k) and 403 (b) retirement plans. The Department of Labor has made substantive changes to the Employee Retirement Income security Act (ERISA) that effects everyone involved with the retirement plan, to include the company, the plan administrator, the financial institution and the employee.
We emphasize the need for retirement planning, using your company’s retirement plan.
We do it because people are not preparing for retirement and we want to help them prepare. I can say from experience that very few people understand their retirement plan. They do not understand the underlying investments; they do not understand the difference between money market funds, bond funds and stock funds. Throw in growth funds, value funds and blended funds. Then add in large cap, mid cap and small cap, and you can understand the confusion.
We make it understandable. We also address one of the areas that has caused the DOL to make the changes in ERISA, we explain the management charges associated with each fund.
WE ALSO OFFER presentations on other money related topics:
“Financial Planning because life doesn’t turn out like you think it will”
A look at how to plan your financial life. Looking at your net worth and cash flow. Looking at insurance; life, health and disability; auto and home; personal liability and long-term care. Accumulating wealth for short and long term goals – home, education, buying a business or accumulating a nest egg. Minimizing income taxes. Planning for retirement – through employee benefit plans, Social Security and personal savings and investments. Estate planning – comparing wills and trusts, ownership and minimizing taxes.
“Winning the Money Game”
Looks at financial responsibility, mistakes people make with money, spending less than you earn, “paying yourself first” and “part of all you earn is yours to keep”, building a cash reserve, developing financial goals, the time value of money, understanding mutual funds, car buying, eliminating debt and avoiding payday lenders.
“Investing in Your Child’s Future”
A look at your child’s future – early education, special experiences, car(s), college, post-graduate schooling, wedding, home. Teaching the value of money – be a role model and set the example. Teach financial decision-making. Plan for college. Understand the financial aid process and the various education saving plans. Do not sacrifice parent’s retirement for child’s college education.
“Some Basics of Investing”
A look at understanding the basics of investing. Explanations of stocks, bonds, mutual funds – exchange traded funds and index funds, Treasury Bills, notes and bonds, and certificates. An explanation of mutual fund styles: Large, mid and small cap vs. growth, value, and blend. An explanation of mutual fund types: aggressive growth, growth, growth and income, international and global. Information is provided on how to look up and evaluate mutual funds.
Other presentations can be developed to meet the individual needs of your organization.